Branch Roles & Positions

As a CWU member you will automatically belong to a branch.

Most branches are made up of CWU members and representatives who work for the same employer, in the same geographical area.

The running of the branch is governed by the rules of the union and the branch model constitution.

There are many different branch positions that members can voluntarily stand for. Branch union positions can be divided into two different categories:

  • Branch Officers
  • Branch Representatives

Each position is elected either at the branch Annual General Meeting (AGM) or by a ballot beforehand and have their own set of responsibilities.

Branch Officers

Principle Officers

The Principle Officers of the branch are:

  • Branch Chair
  • Branch Secretary
  • Deputy Branch Secretary and
  • Branch Treasurer

These roles are responsible for making sure the local union is running efficiently and within the rules of the union.

Equality Officers

Other Officer branch positions include:

  • Equality Officer
  • Women’s Officer
  • BAME Officer

These Officers provide a supportive role, offering specialist advice and information to members and representatives on equality matters. They also play a leading role in delivering the union’s strategy on equality and campaign work.

Young Worker’s Officer

The primary role of Branch Youth Officers is to represent members in the Branch under the age of 30.  Branch Youth Officers also have a leading role in helping to organise and recruit young workers into the CWU, including promoting and campaigning on issues that affect young workers in the workplace and wider society.

Political Officer

The Political Officer’s position plays a leading role in strengthening local links with the Labour Party by working with local CLPs and regularly reporting to the branch on political matters. They also support CWU members who wish to get more involved in politics and public life.

Retired Member’s Secretary

The Retired Member’s Secretary is a position for members who have retired from industry but have chosen to continue with their trade union activities. The Retired Member’s Secretary is responsible for organising retired members and campaigning on issues that affect our retired workers.

Branch Representatives

Industrial Relations Representatives or Workplace Representatives

Industrial Relations Representatives or Workplace Representatives are responsible for representing members, negotiating and consulting with management and members on workplace issues and employment terms and conditions.

Health and Safety Representatives

Health and Safety Representatives are responsible for carry out regular workplace inspections, consulting with members and management on health and safety issues and ensuring that employers are adhering to their safety policies and carrying out their legal health and safety duties.

Union Learning Representatives

Union Learning Representative are responsible for supporting, developing and improving the learning culture within the workplace by organising courses, supporting and encouraging members and representatives to take part in learning.