Pathway: Encourage more work colleagues to join the CWU
The CWU believe that we achieve more together than we do alone. By helping to recruit members of the union you are promoting our collective values of solidarity and equality.
It’s a known fact that union members are more likely to have better job security, pay, better holiday entitlements and pension’s benefits. Unionised workplaces also have smaller pay gaps meaning women are more likely to get paid the same as men for doing the same or similar work.
Talking to and encouraging other members to become more active in the union is another great way to strengthen our movement. It’s also part of establishing a culture of caring about each other. We mean it when we say we are a CWU family, and you are an important part of making sure every CWU member feels welcome and taken care of.
People can easily join online or download a CWU membership application form here.
There is also a ton of benefits that CWU members are eligible for just by being members, and you can help get the word out to make sure your work colleagues know about them. Spend some time on the member benefits portal looking through the different discount programmes, opportunities, and more.