Regional Roles and Positions

All CWU branches belong to a Region

The CWU is made up of the following 10 regions:

  • Eastern Region
  • London Region
  • Midland Region
  • North East
  • North West
  • Northern Ireland
  • Scotland
  • South East
  • South West
  • Wales and the Marches

To find out which region you belong to click here and you will be able to search for your branch within each region

The running of the region is governed by the rules of the union and the regional model constitution. The latest copy of the regional model constitution can be found here

There are many different regional positions that CWU members can voluntary stand for. Regional union positions can be divided into two different categories: Regional Officers and Regional Leads. Each position is elected by branches at the Regional Annual General Meeting (AGM) and have their own set of responsibilities.

Regional Officers

The Principle Officers of the region are:

  • Regional Chair
  • Regional Secretary and
  • Regional Assistant Secretary
  • Regional Financial Secretary

These roles are responsible for making sure the region is running efficiently and are supporting and developing the CWU goals and strategies within the rules of the union.

Under CWU rule at least two of the four Regional Officers positions must be held by a woman and no single individual can hold more than one of these positions at any one time.

Regional Equality Leads

Regional Equality Lead positions include:

  • Regional Women’s Lead
  • Regional BAME Lead
  • Regional LGBT+ Lead
  • Regional Disability Lead

Regional Equality Leads provide a supportive role, offering specialist advice and information to branches and equality officers on equality matters. They also play a leading role within the region in delivering the union’s strategy on equality and campaign work.

Regional Young Workers Lead

The primary role of Regional Young workers Lead is to provide a supportive role to branch Young worker Officers.  Regional Young Workers Leads also have a leading role in the region in helping to organise and recruit young workers under the age of 30 into the CWU, including promoting and campaigning on issues that affect young workers in the workplace and wider society.

Regional Political Lead

The Regional Political Leads position plays a central role in  ensuring that CWU political activity receives the highest regional profile by strengthening local links and working relationships with MPs, MSPs, AMs, MLA’s, MEP’s and local government representatives. They also regularly report to the region and branch political officers on political matters and assist with external political campaign work organised by the union.

Regional Retired Member’s Lead

The Regional Retired Member’s Lead is a position for members who have retired from industry but have chosen to continue with their trade union activities. The Regional Retired Member’s Lead is responsible for organising branch retired members secretaries and campaigning on issues that affect our retired members.

Regional Health and Safety Lead

Regional Health and Safety Leads plays a central role in supporting branch Area Health and Safety Representatives and lead on the development of the union’s health and strategy and campaign work.

Regional Union Learning Lead

Regional Union Learning Leads are responsible for working with branch union learning reps and the regional committee to identify training needs within the region. They also play a leading role within the region in delivering the union’s strategy on training and development.